Cocaine Addiction

cocaine addiction treatment Help



Cocaine addiction treatment may begin with a stay in a Rehab though it is important to recognise that any treatment centre only offers a foundation for recovery from addiction.

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that when snorted, smoked or injected produces a euphoric high. The desire to regain this experience can lead to regular use of the drug and lead to its use being compulsive. Cocaine addiction (as with all substance addictions) is described as a chronic condition of repeatedly using despite harmful consequences. You might recognise in this brief description the baffling behaviour a loved one is engaged in. The lengths that someone goes to in finding that next high can be frightening to observe. Perhaps you have tried to reason with them to stop or slow down and yet they continue. To begin to understand cocaine addiction, it is important to consider that there are changes occurring in the brain of someone who is addicted which actually diminish the ability of that person to reason. a well planned Addiction Intervention is the best way forward in this situation.  This article describes the way in which repetitive cocaine use alters the brain structure and functions and particularly how cocaine increases production of the feel good neurotransmitter Dopamine, impedes its regulation and also interferes with the persons ability to be rational.

Cocaine Addiction - Treatment

When someone is showing signs that they have become addicted to cocaine and are willing to address the problem, they might attempt to control the amount they are using. This strategy is rarely successful and many are caught in a vicious cycle where control appears to be working, followed by a further loss of control. The only chance that someone can recover from cocaine addiction is to commit to abstinence. Many have realised this and stop, but soon are using again. This is not surprising as the compulsion to use can be triggered by cues and associations both within their memories and externally. This inability to remain abstinent even when there is an honest desire to do so leaves the person feeling a range of negative emotions adding to the desire to use. Cocaine addiction treatment is then best delivered from within a residential treatment centre.

Rehab - Support

It is important that someone who makes a decision to stop using cocaine finds support. The idea of ‘just stopping’ without there being any further intervention is not likely to break the cycle of addiction. Treatment at a good rehab centre is probably the best start someone can have in beating a cocaine addiction. The safety and routine of a treatment centre breaks the habits formed and encourages new, healthier ones, as well as revealing and treating any underlying conditions. It is vital that someone leaving treatment continues to engage in their recovery. The fellowships of Cocaine Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous provide an opportunity for support and recovery from cocaine addiction. There is no doubt that the 12 step programme is effective and has helped many into recovery. For someone leaving treatment and looking for professional support, our Recovery Coaching programme  can be arranged. For further information on cocaine addiction treatment, or how to engage all of our services in a comprehensive Treatment Plan please contact us by telephone, email, or by using our online chat service - We are here to help!

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