Alcohol Addiction

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alcohol addiction rehab

Treatment plan

Treatment plan offers complete support and is what we specialise in. From Detox to recovery, we will be there. Bringing together all of our resources and services in a plan that means we are with you all of the way

alcohol support

Alcohol Addiction Treatment help with alcohol and drug addiction. Detox - Rehab


Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Finding the right detox - rehab for alcohol addiction treatment can be a minefield. In our experience there are some that promise more than they actually deliver in terms of real help and there are others that have excellent clinicians and premises. Finding excellent alcohol addiction treatment in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, across the UK and internationally is our speciality. The treatment facilities we recommend have been assessed by us and we consider to be of the highest standard and continue to achieve the most positive outcomes helping you to detox from alcohol and other drugs.
We have good relationships with a select number of detox centres that we have personally visited here in the UK and in Europe, South Africa and Thailand. They offer varying degrees of luxury to suit your budget and use  approaches, including therapeutic, CBT and 12 step models, all which provide alcohol addiction treatment which give an excellent foundation for recovery. Contact us for help today.

Detox - Rehab Options

Our policy is to always meet and try to exceed the expectations and requirements of our clients. To achieve this, we will listen carefully to you and will ask specific questions to ascertain the exact nature of the problem. Where a detox is required, admission to a detox clinic or rehab which meets your needs is of course your choice, though we will always be happy to suggest one that meets your needs from our list of preferred providers.

From the moment you begin working with us via telephone, Zoom or email, we will organise all of the details and arrangements with the detox clinic and can also arrange for door to door transportation using our  Transportation Service. In short, we take the additional stress of getting you or your loved one into detox, allowing you to concentrate on preparation for the challenge ahead. Alcohol addiction treatment in a good rehabilitation centre is the safest route and we recommend residential treatment as being the preferred way forward.

Medical Detox

When a person is dependent on drugs or alcohol and stops, there are certain recognised symptoms that they usually experience. These may include shakes, sweats, feeling sick/ vomiting as well as difficulties with eating and sleeping and each individual will experience differing degrees of these symptoms depending on what and how much they were using. When detoxing, especially from alcohol, it is very important to do so with medical support. The safest way to do this is in a residential detox centre where a person will be assessed by a Doctor and receive medication to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms and be monitored throughout the process by the medical staff.

Home Detox

For some clients a stay in a residential facility may not be possible, and in these circumstances a home detox is an alternative and can be arranged. Please contact us for more information. So if you need help in finding a detox or rehab, or if you would like to talk to us about alcohol addiction treatment and how we can help,  call us for a free consultation and take advantage of our experience in finding the best alcohol addiction treatment available.

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We have both daytime and evening office hours available.

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  • 01582 318597

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“The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.”

-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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For help and advice on beating your addiction, call us today. Alternatively you can fill out our request form,  chat with us or email for an immediate reply. We are here to help!

  • 01582 318597



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