About Us

Addiction support services

Recovery Coach and founder of Treatmentlink

John Port

Following his own recovery from Addiction, John began his work in addiction treatment. Supporting clients at a residential treatment centre in central Bedfordshire. His passion for recovery led to intensive work with the many clients coming into the rehabilitation unit. This gave him the experience and training that led him to work with dual diagnosis clients in a specialist unit, gaining a wealth of experience and knowledge regarding the best treatment options in the UK and providing professional addiction support services.

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From treatment to Treatment Link

Getting clean had always  seemed a far off fantasy. Yet with help, It happened, and even today I am thankful for that. But it was never going to be enough for me. Being free and having survived the prison of addiction, my eyes were open and I began to see that what I had suffered was happening to many others. How could I make a difference?
Beginning training at a big treatment centre providing addiction support services was both familiar and daunting. I had been in rehab as a client and so knew my way around and though finding my best assets and effectively using them took time, it was working there I found my passion for addiction recovery and gained skills and experience in addiction treatment. Working in a 12 step rehab and later a dual diagnosis centre.
My work within the addiction treatment field took a new direction when I began  working with a company in which I found new opportunities. Helping clients to find a path into recovery and looking more closely at rehabs offering addiction treatment, their practices and outcomes, I found some of the best treatment options, as well as those that only claimed to be. This careful consideration of quality is as important to me as would be to a person seeking help and a core value which is now at the heart of Treatment Link

Recovery Coach and founder of Treatmentlink

Beginning Treatment Link

Over the years I had heard many times a similar complaint. “I didn’t know who to trust” and comments like “I didn’t know which one was right for me, so I just picked one”. With the large number of Addiction treatment centres  all competing for business it is sometimes difficult to know which one will be of real use, and what kind of treatment (if any) is needed.

My original idea was to offer only a referral service to help clients make an informed choice when looking for help. Though a very useful service I found that people wanted more. With a decision made to enter treatment,a lot of details needed attention. Transportation to and from the centre, as well as admission assessments and sometimes medical record access arranged. Once safely in rehab a question will inevitably arise as to what to do after? One of the most likely times for relapse is on completion of a treatment programme and so to offer Recovery Coaching was the best way to help support clients after treatment. Treatment Link now offers a range of addiction support services designed to help you.

In offering advice and treatment options we strive to be honest and transparent in working with our clients. Our goal is to present a clear path into recovery and to help in a professional way an individual to begin a journey to freedom from addiction.

Addiction support services

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“The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.”

-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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For help and advice on beating your addiction, call us today. Alternatively you can fill out our request form,  chat with us or email for an immediate reply. We are here to help!

  • 01582 318597



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