Addiction Intervention
A family intervention can be successful when someone you love is falling deeper into an addiction. They may refuse to accept help and your concerns are often met with irritation or anger. He or she often will deny that there is a problem, or try to reassure you that they will do something soon but refuse to act. It is painful and frustrating to have tried to support someone who is obviously in trouble and to not be able to make a difference. In our experience, a carefully planned, professional addiction intervention is a proven way to break through denial, allow you to be heard and your loved one to accept help.
Addiction help with a Family intervention is a process that has been effective in bringing families back together. Call or email us for more information on our family addiction support services
Family Support
Reaching someone who is in the grip of addictive behaviour is most effective with a family is united and informed. When you see a loved one trapped in addiction and they seem to deny it is happening, or simply will not accept help, it is natural to confront this behaviour. You might have already attempted to have a conversation, or try to convince them to accept help. A professional intervention will help to break the denial and give your loved one a clear view of their situation, how it is harming them as well as you. To simply present the facts in terms of the addictive behaviour you see is unlikely to be effective. Making an approach in a structured and informed way makes a family intervention the best way forward. Our interventionist team offers family support and can help you to break patterns of addictive behaviour within your family.
Intervention - Which approach?
An addiction interventionist will bring you together as a family. Working with you as a group before the intervention he will guide you in preparing and delivering a view of what you see happening to your loved one, how it makes you feel, and importantly, offer the help they need. You may have tried threats, rewards, loving concern and a host of ways to reach them, yet still they continue using and there seems no way to convince them to accept the help you would like to offer them. At this point you might want to consider the help that our intervention team can give in delivering a family intervention. Although our full family intervention service is usually the best approach, we also do consider a more gentle approach where suitable. A one to one visit, or series of visits from one of our team has been successful in allowing an individual to accept help. We can discuss these options with you, so please contact us for details.
We Can Help You to Help Them
We often hear desperate family members tell us that they were told that they have to wait until the addict is ready. We disagree and have found that a professional intervention, carried out by a trained interventionist can be the kind of loving support that convinces them to accept help now, saving the addict and family years of suffering. Interventions often follow one of two established models, or where appropriate, a combination of both. The Arise and Johnson models have different approaches but are similar in that they confront the behaviour of the addict and in that the family joins together to show unity and their desire to offer help. We work with families for a period of usually between 2 and 4 weeks before the intervention and make sure that you are fully prepared. We have had a high success rate with our addiction interventions and this is mostly due to the degree of preparation, that in our experience is vital. If you would like to know more about how our addiction support services can help you in helping your loved one, call, email, or chat with us online. We are always glad to give you as much information as you need, and are here to help!
Our Family Intervention Services are available in Bedfordshire – Hertfordshire – UK and Internationally
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